Prader Willi Syndrome

Prader Willi Syndrome PWS is also known as a rare genetic disease. PWS symptoms vary. Some of the most common symptoms are muscle weakness and an insatiable appetite, which leads to obesity. Other symptoms are characteristics and behavioral problems, speech disorder, type of obsessive compulsive disorder, short stature, incomplete sexual development, and much more.

The disease is named after the doctor who first observed in 1956, named Andrea Prader, Alexis Labhart and Heinrich Willi. There is still much to learn about this disease. It is known that genetic Prader Willi syndrome and should not be confused with a hereditary disease. Prader Willi is only found in only 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 25 000 live births.

Prader Willi is caused by a genetic abnormality in the 7 genes have been excluded from chromosome 15. This deletion of genes on the unexpressed or paternal chromosomes causes many different symptoms in their small victims. The disease is so rare that they are largely not diagnosed or misdiagnosed. If PWS is detected and treated early, the prognosis is much better. Treatment with growth hormone may be used to treat the disease with significant results. In the past, the Prader-Willi syndrome diagnosed after symptoms have begun to show. It is now recommended that all newborns are discussed. Early diagnosis is essential.

The May Awareness Month Prader Willi syndrome. This condition is necessary to increase the awareness can take place before the advances in the understanding! 400,000 people worldwide living with Prader-Willi syndrome.

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